Mentoring as a Service (MaaS), is a learner monitoring and mentoring system that has been proven to increase learner course completion rates. Through its built-in Artificial Intelligence, MaaS is able to identify potential risk learners early and direct this information about their obstacles to the relevant people who can assist them with overcoming them. The key is early detection and supportive action.

Through its seamless integration with COL Campus, MaaS is able to monitor every aspect of the learner’s digital footprint in his/her journey to course completion.

Features and Benefits of using MaaS: 

  • Identify learners who are at risk

Recognising at-risk learners in time to make a difference requires an intervention at the very first sign of a problem. MaaS’ built-in and fully customised triggers, send alerts with data about each learner’s performance as and when it happens and becomes a potential problem.

In addition, it follows-up on whether these resulting alerts have been attended to, so you can also monitor your tutors/managers actions, together with your learners, providing a fully holistic monitoring tool.

  • Communication is key

With the developments in technology, traditional communication methods have evolved. To successfully reach-out to a learner, you need to communicate in ‘their language’. To help you connect with the learner, MaaS uses SMS and email to assist you with staying in-touch. Whether it is through automated messages, or personal phone calls, constant communication is the vital key to ensuring prompt and corrective action from a learner.

  • Manage issues to resolution

Tutors/managers are usually juggling many people and multiple issues at any given time. MaaS takes the guessing out of mentoring learners through its customised triggers that send automated alerts to tutors/managers. These actionable alerts clearly define the issue and provide the tools to reach the learner, while recording all actions for future reference.

You want to support your employees, but don’t have the capacity to do so. We make it easy for you to provide that support. Through MaaS, a monitoring and mentoring platform, you can receive automatic alerts about under-performing learners and manage concerns as they arise. In this way you have the tools and knowledge to holistically help your learners.

Added to this, other benefits of MaaS include:

  • a database of information about your learners and their academic progress, with tools that you can action based on this information
  • an interactive platform to easily share your learner concerns with the right people at the right time, thereby making an instant impact on a learner’s success
  • the ability to send motivational messages of support to learner’s who are participating, improving, or showing good effort
  • the functionality to convert learner attendance and results into actions, such as warnings, referrals, or “See Me!” messages.

MaaS, our mentoring and student monitoring system, has a predictive modeling process that is constantly being refined and validated as more learner data becomes available. The model employs a complex Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm, mapped out by sophisticated software and designed by an Israeli company of statisticians. The AI is designed to predict, with up to an 85% accuracy, which learner have a high potential of failing, down to the individual learner. Through this prediction, you are able to customise your learner support for each learner and maximise each learner’s ability.

Click HERE to view our latest MaaS brochure.